by Chelsea Jenter, Nicole Witham, and John Livingstone We asked our research team: "What did you learn at ObesityWeek 2014?" Their responses will be posted over the course of the next seven days.
Click on "read more" to read the first three...
![]() by Marie-France Hivert, MD, MMSc I am so conscious about the health benefits of exercise that some days I feel like an exercise "addict." It turns out that I'm not alone. There are plenty of people who have the same urge that I do, who are excited about going up and down stadium steps, jogging 10 miles, or making the gym part of their daily routine. Sometimes we have a goal, but sometimes we do it just because it feels good.
![]() by Jason Block, MD, MPH ObesityWeek is a combined meeting of The Obesity Society and the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, two leading organizations that explore clinical care, research, and policies regarding obesity and related diseases. This year, the meeting was held in Boston, Massachusetts, allowing a large contingent of our Obesity Prevention Program to attend. We asked all of them: What did you learn at Obesity Week 2014? Over the next few weeks, we’ll be posting their responses.
![]() by Chelsea Jenter, MPH For kids, sugar not only tastes good, but it makes them feel good too. This might explain my four year old’s obsession with Halloween. The Friday before last, she sprinted from house to house, as if it was her only chance to get candy in this century. And though Halloween was just two weeks ago, she’s already asking how long it is until the “next” Halloween. What is this obsession with candy? This could be a long year.
![]() by Stephanie Linakis, MPH Replacing sugar sweetened beverages with artificially sweetened, zero and reduced calorie substitutes would seem to be one foolproof strategy for weight loss, right? Well, maybe – the story could be more complicated. Our body’s myriad biological and psychological pathways challenge what would logically appear to be a simple choice. The body can easily recognize and process a natural, calorie free substance such as water. Drinks – and yogurt and other products – that are artificially sweetened (with aspartame, saccharin, or sucralose, for example), however, can confuse our systems and may lead to unintended consequences.